miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Germany: restriction of fiscal unity (Organschaft) re­gime to domestic companies

Germany: restriction of fiscal unity (Organschaft) re­gime to domestic companies

A company set up in accordance with the company law of another member state which has its registered office outside Germany under German law and place of effective management in Germany cannot benefit from the fiscal unity regime called Organschaft which is available to German companies, although this com­pany is fully taxable in Germany. As a consequence the com­pany cannot enjoy the tax benefits resulting from the allocation of the group company's income to the pa­rent company (offsetting of profits and losses within the fiscal unity). Such provisions are considered to be discriminatory in comparison to domestic compe­titors and may restrict the freedom of establishment of businesses in Germany. The EU Commission under­lines that this case does not deal with cross-border loss compensation.

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